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ZTL Pilot Passport Challenge

What is the ZTL Pilot Passport Challenge?

Are you tired of flying the same routes to the same airports? Do you need a new mission? Are you interested in being more proficient as a pilot? Do you enjoy the service provided by one of the top facilities in VATUSA? Then this challenge is for you! This is a unique quest for VATSIM pilots to visit airfields within the Atlanta Virtual ARTCC's airspace boundary. Challenge yourself to visit airfields served by Atlanta Virtual Air Traffic Controllers and build your skills as a pilot by flying new approaches and taxiing on unfamiliar surfaces. We offer three distinct paths: airline pilot, corporate aviator, and bug smasher The airline path features airports served by part 121 commercial carriers. The business aviator path features airports commonly frequented by part 135 operators flying private jets and turboprops. The bug smasher path features the many smaller airports throughout Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

What's in it for me?

Pilots who enroll and meet milestones of the challenge will be recognized on the ZTL website. You'll have the opportunity to fill up a virtual passport book with stamps for each airfield you visit. Upon completion of a path, you’ll get a badge and a certificate of completion suitable for framing.

How do I get started?

Start at the top of this page and login. Then, enroll in our challenge and pick your path. Each time you visit an airport, you’ll get a stamp in your passport. To earn a stamp, you should plan a full-stop landing at a qualifying airport and spend at least 5 minutes on the ground before departing.


Want to tell us what you think about this program? We're always looking for feedback. Send us an email at wm@ztlartcc.org or visit our pilot feedback page.


Select a path below and enroll to get started. You may enroll in one or as many challenges as you like!

Airline Captain
The airline path features airports served by part 121 commercial carriers.

Corporate Pilot
The business aviator path features airports commonly frequented by part 135 operators flying private jets and turboprops.

Bug Smasher
The bug smasher path features the many smaller airports throughout Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

My Passport Book
No enrollments yet. When you enroll in a challenge, your passport book will show up here.
My Achievements
No program achievements yet. When you complete a challenge, your achievements and certifiate will show up here.
Privacy Settings

ZTL understands that some pilots may want to participate in this program but wish to remain anonymous or otherwise protect their privacy. No problem! You may adjust your privacy settings below and we'll respect your wishes.

When you complete an achievement in the program, your First Name and Last Initial (formatted similar to "John D.") will be shown on ZTL's public-facing website.

When you complete an achievement in the program, your First Name (formatted similar to "Jane") will be shown on ZTL's public-facing website.

When you complete an achievement in the program, your VATSIM CID (formatted similar to "1234567") will be shown on ZTL's public-facing website.

When you complete an achievement in the program, you will not be identified on ZTL's public-facing website. Your achievement will still be visible to you protected by your login on this site.

If you need to leave this program and remove all of your personal data from our system (in accordance with protections provided to you by various privacy laws), you may do so by clicking this button. Be advised that this action is irreversible - we have no way of recovering your progress or achievements. If you are currently registered for a ZTL Realops Event, purging your data here will also remove you from our Realops system. This action has no effect on your VATSIM account. For VATSIM privacy and data protection options, please visit VATSIM DPHP.